
The AgCelence® solution for sunflowers and soybeans that offers you additional crop protection benefits.


The AgCelence® solution for sunflowers and soybeans that offers you additional crop protection benefits.


AgCelence® solutions offer:

  • The best return on investment.
  • Increased plant growth efficiency.
  • Excellent disease control.
  • Increased tolerance to stress.


General information

Name Bellis®
Formulation Water dispersible granule
Ingredients 252 g / kg boscalid (pyridine-carboxamide), 128 g / kg F500® (Pyraclostrobin)
Registration Number L7817
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
60 g / 100 lt water The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter. Maximum 3
Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
60 g / 100 lt water The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter. Maximum 3
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
500 g / ha Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
500 g / ha Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
500 g / ha Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants. Maximum 3 applications
Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria helianthi)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
Apply a maximum of two Bellis® applications per season. The lower rate is suitable when applied at the early growth stage and before disease appearance. Use the higher rate for the second application. The first application should be made when 6 – 8 true leaves are unfolded and ideally before any disease symptoms are present. The second application should be made at the beginning of flowering (first yellow petal leaves showing). Do not apply Bellis® once the flower heads start hanging. Maximum 2
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
300 g/ha If water volume exceeds 500 l/ha, apply at the rate of 60 g product/100 l water Apply Bellis®, as part of a preventive spray programme at 10 – 14 day intervals. Maximum 3 applications
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Purple blotch (Alternaria porri)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
300 g / ha Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants. Maximum 3 applications
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Alternaria (Alternaria alternata)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
60 g / 100 lt water Three Bellis® applications are recommended in a programme, commencing 10 days before full bloom. Apply at high volume to the point of run-off to ensure thorough coverage. 3
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
800 g / ha Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3 applications
Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
300 g / ha Ground application: Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme at 10 –14 day intervals. Apply a maximum of three Bellis® applications per season. Maximum 3
600 g/ha Apply Bellis® in at least 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants Aerial application: Apply in 30 – 40 l water/ha. Ground application: When conditions are expected that favour the development of the disease, or where high disease pressure is expected, apply a maximum of two Bellis® applications per season with a spray interval of 21-28 days. In the spray programme, alternate with unrelated contact fungicides. Apply Bellis® in at least 500 l water / ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants. Maximum 3
Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
60 g / 100 lt water The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter. Maximum 3
Soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
600h/Ha Bellis® on Soyabeans: Spray preventively before the first signs of disease development is noticed (normally on the onset of flowering) and repeat 21-28 days later. Apply the shorter interval of 21 days when high disease pressure is expected due to weather conditions that favour disease development. 3
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
1.2 kg / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
1.2 kg / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3
Recommended rate Time of application Number of application
1.2 kg / ha Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action. Maximum 3

General information

Name Bellis®
Formulation Water dispersible granule
Ingredients 252 g / kg boscalid (pyridine-carboxamide), 128 g / kg F500® (Pyraclostrobin)
Registration Number L7817
Almond - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis®, prior to disease development, as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later.Apply Bellis® in 1200 - 1500 l water / ha.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Blackberry - Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate
60 g / 100 lt water
Time of application
The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Blueberry - Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate
60 g / 100 lt water
Time of application
The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Cashew - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Chili - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
500 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
500 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
500 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Conventional Sunflower - Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria helianthi)
Recommended rate
Apply a maximum of two Bellis® applications per season. The lower rate is suitable when applied at the early growth stage and before disease appearance. Use the higher rate for the second application.
Time of application
The first application should be made when 6 – 8 true leaves are unfolded and ideally before any disease symptoms are present. The second application should be made at the beginning of flowering (first yellow petal leaves showing). Do not apply Bellis® once the flower heads start hanging.
Number of application
Maximum 2
Hazelnut - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Leafy Vegetables - Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
Recommended rate
300 g/ha If water volume exceeds 500 l/ha, apply at the rate of 60 g product/100 l water
Time of application
Apply Bellis®, as part of a preventive spray programme at 10 – 14 day intervals.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Macadamia - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Onions - Purple blotch (Alternaria porri)
Recommended rate
300 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis®, as a preventive treatment, at 10 – 14 day intervals. Bellis® should be applied as part of a programme application with a maximum of three applications per season. All other applications for disease control, must be made with different Fungicide Group Codes. Apply Bellis® in 300 – 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Pecan - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Persimmon - Alternaria (Alternaria alternata)
Recommended rate
60 g / 100 lt water
Time of application
Three Bellis® applications are recommended in a programme, commencing 10 days before full bloom. Apply at high volume to the point of run-off to ensure thorough coverage.
Number of application
Pistachio - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Recommended rate
800 g / ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® prior to disease development as part of a programme, commencing at flower tassel emergence, followed with a second application two weeks later. Apply Bellis® in 1200 – 1500 l water/ha. Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than three Bellis® or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis® before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3 applications
Potatoes - Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
Recommended rate
300 g / ha
Time of application
Ground application: Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme at 10 –14 day intervals. Apply a maximum of three Bellis® applications per season.
Number of application
Maximum 3

Recommended rate
600 g/ha
Time of application
Apply Bellis® in at least 500 l water/ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants Aerial application: Apply in 30 – 40 l water/ha. Ground application: When conditions are expected that favour the development of the disease, or where high disease pressure is expected, apply a maximum of two Bellis® applications per season with a spray interval of 21-28 days. In the spray programme, alternate with unrelated contact fungicides. Apply Bellis® in at least 500 l water / ha. Ensure good coverage of the plants.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Raspberry - Leaf Rust (Thekopsora minima)
Recommended rate
60 g / 100 lt water
Time of application
The first application should be done at the start of the post-harvest flush, before first autumn rain, with a maximum of three applications (FRAC guidelines) per season, as needed to cover the new growth into winter.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Soybean - Soya - Soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)
Recommended rate
Time of application
Bellis® on Soyabeans: Spray preventively before the first signs of disease development is noticed (normally on the onset of flowering) and repeat 21-28 days later. Apply the shorter interval of 21 days when high disease pressure is expected due to weather conditions that favour disease development.
Number of application
Strawberry - Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Recommended rate
1.2 kg / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Recommended rate
1.2 kg / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3
Recommended rate
1.2 kg / ha
Time of application
Bellis® - Apply Bellis® as part of a preventive spray programme. Apply at high volume, with a 7 - 14 day spray interval, with applications commencing no later than 10 % bloom, or prior to disease development.Use the shorter interval, when conditions favour disease development.Resistance management: To limit the potential for development of resistance, do not make more than thee Bellis®, or other Group 7 or 11 fungicides applications, per season. Do not make more than two sequential applications of Bellis®, before alternating to a registered fungicide with a different mode of action.
Number of application
Maximum 3

Why Bellis®?

Bellis® will effectively control target fungal diseases, which will ensure higher quality crops and an increased return on investment.

Reliable and effective control.

  • Bellis® provides broad protection through translocation.
  • Rapid uptake and distribution in the leaves.

    • Reliable dual mode of action with the powerful combination of Boscalid and F500®.
